I am a Mental Health Professional

I have worked as a Mental Health Professional in my home country
and I want to continue my profession while being in the Netherlands
PsyGlobal helps foreign psychologists to find a stable paid job in the Netherlands. We have a network of Dutch mental health organisations, municipalities, local health authorities and GP practices looking for mental health professionals to work with their foreign clients.
If you have a diploma in (Applied) Psychology, Social Work, Counseling, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field and you speak at least B2 level English and/or Dutch and another language (Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Dari, French, Polish, Russian, etc.), we invite you to register yourself for the PsyGlobal network.
There are vacancies in four different fields. Depending on availability, your diploma validation and experience, we can match you to either of the four fields.
If you are interested in working through PsyGlobal, please fill out our registration form. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. More information about our recruitment process can be found below.
Webinars for Ukrainian mental health professionals in the Netherlands
How can I work as a MHP in The Netherlands?
PsyGlobal has four types of vacancies for foreign Mental Health Professionals in the Netherlands. These vacancies have different responsibilities and prerequisites. We will briefly explain all four of them here:
Basic Psychologist: it is possible for a foreign psychologist to work as a basic psychologist within a clinical setting in the Netherlands. As a basic psychologist, you will work under the supervision of a GZ-psycholoog (Health Psychologist) in the same organisation. This supervision is necessary to get the care insured. More information about this construction can be found in the FAQs.
There are three prerequisites for working as a basic psychologist in the Netherlands: You need a relevant psychology diploma that is validated on a Master WO level, a LOGO-verklaring and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level. More detailed information about these prerequisites can be found in the FAQs.
POH-GGZ: A Mental Health Assistant (Praktijkondersteuner Huisartsen voor Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg, POH-GGH) works within a GP (family doctor) practice. It is the first point of contact for individuals with mental health problems. The POH-GGZ conducts psychosocial assessments, provides information about symptoms, causes, and potential solutions, drafts (short-term) treatment plans, and offers a referral to curative treatment (clinical psychology) when necessary.
There are two prerequisites for working as a Mental Health Assistant in the Netherlands: You need a relevant diploma (Social Work, Counseling, (Applied) Psychology, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field) that is validated in the Netherlands and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level.
Social Worker: Social workers in the Netherlands fulfill a vital role by supporting individuals, families, and communities facing diverse social and emotional challenges. They assess clients’ needs, offer counseling and therapy, advocate for clients’ rights, and provide case management services. Social workers collaborate with psychologists, counselors and other healthcare providers. Social workers work within municipalities or local health authorities (Gemeentelijke Gezondheids Dienst, GGD) or are part of multidisciplinary teams in Mental Health Organizations (GGZ).
There are two prerequisites to work as a Social Worker in the Netherlands: You need a relevant diploma (Social Work, Counseling, (Applied) Psychology, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field) that is validated in the Netherlands and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level.
Counselor: A counselor in the Dutch municipality or Public Health Service (GGD) setting is a professional who supports individuals facing mental health challenges. Counselors provide counseling sessions to enhance mental well-being, coping mechanisms, and resilience. They can also facilitate educational workshops and group sessions to raise awareness about mental health and offer techniques for managing stress and practicing self-care. Counselors can also advise colleague caregivers, social workers, teachers, or volunteers on mental health, cultural differences, and possible stigmas and taboos.
There are two prerequisites to work as a Counselor in the Netherlands: You need a relevant diploma (Social Work, Counseling, (Applied) Psychology, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field) that is validated in the Netherlands and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level.
What do I need to do to work through PsyGlobal?
If you want to work for a Dutch organisation through PsyGlobal, we first ask you to fill out our registration form. In this form, we ask you about your diploma’s, your experience, your language skills.
If you have not done this yet, it is also important to start the process of diploma validation. The necessary steps to take can be found on the website of IDW.
After you complete the registration form, we will contact you within ten days to set up a screening interview. If both you and us are happy with the interview, we will add you to the PsyGlobal network.
From then on, we will contact you once we find a suitable job for you. If we do, we schedule an interview with you and the organisation where you potentially will start working. If there is a match, we prepare the contracts and you can start.
The organisation can choose to let us handle your payments, which means you will get a contract with PsyGlobal. The organisation can also choose to hire you directly. That means you will get a contract with them. Either way, you will be paid the same, in accordance with the Dutch Collective Employment Agreement (CAO).
From the moment you join the PsyGlobal network, regardless of whether you have found a job, we will be in touch regularly. You will be invited for relevant training courses, social gatherings and intervision. Also, we often share valuable information about the Dutch mental health system in the form of webinars, guidelines and infographics. Stay updated on news, events, and training opportunities by following us on LinkedIn or mark ‘yes’ to the question about staying updated in the registration form.
FAQ about working through PsyGlobal
Dutch Mental Health System
In The Netherlands, every resident is obligated to purchase basic health insurance. This health insurance entitles you to receive medical care without additional costs. Healthcare institutions like hospitals or mental health organisations have contracts with health insurance companies and can invoice all their provided care to these insurers. However, to be able to do this, there are certain rules the medical care provider must comply with. For example, psychologists need specific diplomas and experience.
It is possible for foreign psychologists to work in a Dutch mental health organisation, but only if you can prove that you have the necessary educational background and diplomas. If not, the care you provide cannot be invoiced to the health insurance companies. That is why not every foreign psychologist can work as a psychologist within a clinical setting in The Netherlands.
To work as a basic psychologist within a Dutch mental health organisation, there are three prerequisites you need to comply with.
1. You need to have a relevant validated diploma on the so-called WO Master level. This is the highest education level in The Netherlands. Your diploma has to be officially validated by the IDW, the International Credential Evaluation. This process takes about 8 weeks and costs €148,83.
2. You need a LOGO-declaration. This is a fairly new rule, it came into effect on the first of January 2024. The declaration from the National Consultation of Mental Health Education Institutions (Landelijk Overleg Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Opleidingsintellingen – LOGO) was designed initially to determine whether a psychologist met the legal admission requirements for the Health Psychologist (GZ-psycholoog) training program. However, a recent change in the law has made LOGO-verklaring obligatory for all psychologists who need to declare their hours.
A temporary derogation authority applies for Ukrainian mental health professionals, until March 31, 2025. This means that Ukrainian basic psychologists in curative mental health care can still work and invoice their hours. This derogation authority does not apply to non-Ukrainian mental health professionals with a foreign diploma.
3. You need to speak English and/or Dutch at at least B2 level.
If you comply with these three prerequisites, you can work as a basic psychologist in a Dutch Mental Health Organisation. This still means you have to work under the supervision of a senior psychologist. To be able to become a senior psychologist (GZ-psycholoog in Dutch) yourself, you need to become so-called “BIG-registered”. This is difficult process that requires, among other things, a C1 level of Dutch. More about that process can be found here.
For those needing mental health care, clients first need to see a general practitioner (GP or family doctor. In Dutch huisarts). The general practitioner is a doctor based in the community who provides general medical treatment. This can be one GP, but it can also be a practice with multiple GPs. In a practice, there can also be a Mental Health Assistant (POH-GGZ) present. The POH-GGZ can provide basic mental health care as well.
The GP or the POH-GGZ will refer clients with serious conditions to a more specialized facility like a hospital or a Mental Health Organisation. When it comes to curative treatment at an MHO, you must always be referred by a GP or a POH-GGZ. It is required for insurance coverage.
It is good to be aware of the different registrations Dutch psychologists can have. After graduating (a minimum of 4 years at university), a student can receive the Master of Psychology at the University, WO level in the Netherlands (WO = wetenschappelijk onderwijs). It allows them to work as Basis-psycholoog in the regular Dutch mental health system. They do not have a BIG registration but can work as a psychologist under the supervision of a BIG-registered psychologist. After a few years, most psychologists try to apply for a GZ-Psycholoog position requiring special education. It is a two-year education (on the job plus one day a week class). There are fewer positions than candidates, so it can take some time to be admitted to this study. As a GZ-psycholoog you are generally trained and get your BIG registration, which means you can work independently in basic mental health care. After this, you can apply for 3–4 years of studies as a psychotherapist or a clinical psychologist. These two disciplines will probably be placed together soon, but for now, the psychotherapist is mostly focused on complex psychotherapies, whereas the clinical psychologist is also trained in management, research, and diagnostics.
Specific information for Ukrainian MHPs
If you are a Ukrainian displaced person residing in the Netherlands, you are allowed to work. You do need to get your status a ‘temporarily displaced’ recognized by the IND (the Immigration and Naturalization Service). When you do, you will receive a sticker in your passport, or the so-called O-form. If you don’t have this sticker or form, you can contact the IND to obtain it: https://ind.nl/en/ukraine
Since January 1, 2024, every psychologist working within a Dutch Mental Health Organisation, needs a LOGO-verklaring. The declaration from the National Consultation of Mental Health Education Institutions (Landelijk Overleg Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Opleidingsintellingen – LOGO) was designed initially to determine whether a psychologist met the legal admission requirements for the Clinical Psychologist (GZ-psycholoog) training program. However, a recent change in the law has made LOGO-verklaring obligatory for all psychologists who need to declare their hours.
A temporary derogation authority applies for Ukrainian mental health professionals, until March 31, 2025. This means that Ukrainian basic psychologists in curative mental health care can still work and invoice their hours. This derogation authority does not apply to non-Ukrainian mental health professionals with a foreign diploma.
This prerequisite does not hold for GGZ-professionals that work within municipalities, local health authorities or GP practices.
‘Regiebehandelaar’ is the psychologist who is officially responsible for the treatment. This treatment can be conducted by him- or herself, or can be done by a ‘basis psycholoog’, a psychologist with a master’s diploma. In that case the Regiebehandelaar supervises the treatment by regular meetings with the ‘basis-psycholoog’ and by seeing the client at least once a year. The Regiebehandelaar had had a postmaster education as a GZ-psycholoog, psychotherapist, klinisch psycholoog, psychiatrist or ‘verpleegkundig specialist’.
Bruto (gross) salary is best defined as the sum of salary before the deduction of tax and insurance(s). Netto (net) salary is the result of initial pay including tax and other sorts of deductions made.
Direct time is time spent in contact with your client. This can be face to face, during a video call, on the phone or by mail. These minutes are covered by health insurance. Indirect time is the time spent on your client, but without the client being present. So your administration (files, writing letters) and meetings. Since 2022 this time is not covered anymore.