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I am a Mental Health Professional

I have worked as a Mental Health Professional in my home country

and I want to continue my profession while being in the Netherlands

PsyGlobal matches international Mental Health Professionals with Dutch organizations. We have a network of Dutch Mental Health Organizations, GP-practices, municipalities and public health services looking for international psychologists, mental health assistants, social workers and counselors for their foreign clients.

If you have a diploma in (Applied) Psychology, Social Work, Counseling, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field and you speak at least B2 level English and/or Dutch and another language (Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Dari, French, Polish, Russian, etc.), we invite you to register yourself for the PsyGlobal network. 

There are vacancies in four different fields. Depending on availability, your diploma validation and experience, we can match you to either of the four fields. 

If you are interested in working through PsyGlobal, please fill out our registration form. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. More information about our recruitment process can be found below.

How can I work as a MHP in The Netherlands?

PsyGlobal has four types of vacancies for foreign Mental Health Professionals in the Netherlands. These vacancies have different responsibilities and prerequisites. We briefly explain all four of them here. Here you can find our current vacancies as well.


It is possible for a foreign psychologist to work as a psychologist within a clinical setting in the Netherlands. As a (basic) psychologist, you will work under the supervision of a GZ-psycholoog (Health Psychologist) in the same organization. This supervision is necessary to get the care insured. More information about this construction can be found in the FAQs.

There are three prerequisites for working as a psychologist in the Netherlands: You need a relevant psychology diploma that is validated on a Master WO level, a BIZ or LOGO-verklaring and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level. More detailed information about these prerequisites can be found in the FAQs.


A Mental Health Assistant (Praktijkondersteuner Huisartsen voor Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg, or POH-GGZ) works within a GP (family doctor) practice. It is the first point of contact for individuals with mental health problems. The POH-GGZ conducts psychosocial assessments, provides information about symptoms, causes, and potential solutions, drafts (short-term) treatment plans, and offers a referral to curative treatment (clinical psychology) when necessary.

There are two prerequisites for working as a Mental Health Assistant in the Netherlands: You need a relevant diploma (Social Work, Counseling, (Applied) Psychology, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field) that is validated in the Netherlands and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level.

Social Worker

Social workers in the Netherlands fulfill a vital role by supporting individuals, families, and communities facing diverse social and emotional challenges. Social workers provide guidance and support to people in solving social problems as well as improving their well-being. You conduct interviews, organize activities for groups and provide guidance to families. Social workers collaborate with psychologists, counselors and other healthcare providers. Social workers work within municipalities or public health services (Gemeentelijke Gezondheids Dienst, GGD) or are part of multidisciplinary teams in Mental Health Organizations (GGZ).

There are two prerequisites to work as a Social Worker in the Netherlands: You need a relevant diploma (Social Work, Counseling, (Applied) Psychology, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field) that is validated in the Netherlands and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level.


A counselor in the Dutch municipality or public health service (GGD) setting is a professional who supports individuals facing emotional challenges. Counselors provide short term counseling sessions to enhance mental well-being, coping mechanisms, and resilience. They can also facilitate educational workshops and group sessions to raise awareness about mental health and offer techniques for managing stress and practicing self-care. Counselors can also advise colleague caregivers, social workers, teachers, or volunteers on mental health, cultural differences, and possible stigmas and taboos.

There are two prerequisites to work as counselor in the Netherlands: You need a relevant diploma (Social Work, Counseling, (Applied) Psychology, (Psychiatric) Nursery or a related field) that is validated in the Netherlands and you need to speak Dutch and/or English at at least B2 level.


You fill out our registration form & start the diploma validation process


We contact you within 10 days to set up a screening interview


We add you to the PsyGlobal network


We contact you once we have a suitable vacancy

How can I work through PsyGlobal?

If you want to work for a Dutch organization through PsyGlobal, we first ask you to fill out our registration form. In this form, we ask you about your diploma’s, your experience, your language skills etc.

It is also important to start the process of diploma validation, if you have not done this yet. The necessary steps to take can be found on the website of IDW. After you complete the registration form, we will contact you within ten days to set up a screening interview. If both you and us are happy with the interview, we will add you to the PsyGlobal network.

From then on, we will contact you once we find a suitable job for you. If we do, we schedule an interview with you and the organization that has the vacancy. If there is a match, we prepare the contracts and you can start working.

The organization can choose to let us handle your payments, which means you will get a contract with PsyGlobal. The organization can also choose to hire you directly. That means you will get a contract with them. Either way, you will be paid the same, in accordance with the Dutch Collective Employment Agreement (CAO).

From the moment you join the PsyGlobal network, regardless of whether you have found a job, we will be in touch regularly. You will be invited for relevant training courses, social gatherings and intervision. Also, we often share valuable information about the Dutch mental health system in the form of webinars, guidelines and infographics. Stay updated on news, events, and training opportunities by following us on LinkedIn or mark ‘yes’ to the question about staying updated in the registration form.

FAQ about working through PsyGlobal

Dutch Mental Health System

How does the Dutch health care system work?

In The Netherlands, every resident is obligated to purchase basic health insurance. This health insurance entitles you to receive medical care without additional costs. Healthcare institutions like hospitals or mental health organizations have contracts with health insurance companies and can invoice all their provided care to these insurers. However, to be able to do this, there are certain rules the medical care provider must comply with. For example, psychologists need specific diplomas and experience.

It is possible for foreign psychologists to work in a Dutch mental health organization, but only if you can prove that you have the necessary educational background and diplomas. If not, the care you provide cannot be invoiced to the health insurance companies. That is why not every foreign psychologist can work within a clinical setting in The Netherlands.

Can you further explain the prerequisites to work as basic psychologist in the Netherlands?

To work as a basic psychologist within a Dutch mental health organization, there are three prerequisites you need to comply with.

1. You need to have a relevant validated diploma on the so-called WO Master level. This is the highest education level in The Netherlands. Your diploma has to be officially validated by the IDW, the International Credential Evaluation. This process takes about 8 weeks and costs €148,83.

2. You need a BIZ or a LOGO-declaration. This is a fairly new rule, it came into effect on the first of January 2024. The declaration from the National Consultation of Mental Health Education Institutions (Landelijk Overleg Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Opleidingsintellingen – LOGO) was designed initially to determine whether a psychologist met the legal admission requirements for the Health Psychologist (GZ-psycholoog) training program. However, a recent change in the law has made the LOGO-verklaring obligatory for all psychologists who need to declare their hours.

2. You need a BIZ or a LOGO-declaration. To register billable consultations, WO psychologists must have the appropriate prior training and demonstrate that they meet content-related conditions. Psychologists who were educated abroad and now want to work as psychologists in the Netherlands need to have a ‘Bestuursverklaring Inzetbaarheid Zorgprestatiemodel (BIZ) op basis van ‘opleiding’’. This is a declaration, signed by your employer, that states that you have the relevant capabilities, based on your education, to get your hours insured. It states that you can work under the Healthcare Performance Model (ZPM).

You might also hear the term LOGO-verklaring. This is a declaration from the National Consultation of Mental Health Education Institutions (Landelijk Overleg Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Opleidingsintellingen – LOGO). It was designed initially to determine whether a psychologist met the legal admission requirements for the Health Psychologist (GZ-psycholoog) training program. However, a recent change in the law has made the LOGO-verklaring (or the BIZ op basis vanopleiding’) obligatory for all psychologists who need to declare their hours.

A temporary derogation authority applies for Ukrainian Mental Health Professionals, until March 31, 2025. This means that Ukrainian basic psychologists in curative mental health care can still work and invoice their hours. This derogation authority does not apply to non-Ukrainian Mental Health Professionals with a foreign diploma.

3. You need to speak English and/or Dutch at at least B2 level. If you comply with these three prerequisites, you can work as a basic psychologist in a Dutch Mental Health Organization. This still means you have to work under the supervision of a senior psychologist. To be able to become a (senior) health psychologist (GZ-psycholoog in Dutch) yourself, you need to be admitted to the two-year postmaster education, for which there are strict requirements, like the LOGO-declaration and a C1 level of Dutch. Once you have successfully completed this course, you will be included in the BIG register and will be able to work independently as a GZ-psychologist in the Dutch GGZ. More about that process can be found here.

What is GP referral?

To get access to (funded) mental health care, clients first need to see a general practitioner (GP or family doctor, huisarts in Dutch). The general practitioner is a doctor based in the community who provides general medical treatment. This can be one GP, but it can also be a practice with multiple GPs. In a practice, there can also be a Mental Health Assistant (POH-GGZ) present. The POH-GGZ can provide basic mental health care as well.

The GP or the POH-GGZ will refer clients with serious conditions to a more specialized facility like a hospital or a Mental Health Organization. When it comes to curative treatment at a Mental Health Organization, you must always be referred by a GP or a POH-GGZ. This is required for insurance coverage.

What kind of registrations can a Dutch psychologist have?

It is good to be aware of the different registrations Dutch psychologists can have. After a minimum of 4 years at university, a student can get a Master of Psychology. This master is at WO-level, wetenschappelijk onderwijs, the highest level of education. The diploma allows them to work as a basic psychologist in the regular Dutch mental health system. The basic psychologist does not have a BIG registration, but works under the supervision of a senior, BIG-registered psychologist.

After completing the masters, most psychologists try to apply for a Health Psychologist (GZ-psycholoog) training program. This is a fulltime two-year postmaster education (on the job plus one day a week class). There are fewer positions than candidates, so it can take some time to be admitted to this program. If you ‘graduate’ as GZ-psycholoog you get your BIG registration, which means you can work independently in basic mental health care. There is no need to be supervised anymore.

After this, you can apply for the training program to become a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist. This requires another 3 to 4 years of education. These two disciplines will probably be merged soon, but for now the psychotherapist is mostly focused on complex psychotherapies, whereas the clinical psychologist is also trained in management, research, and diagnostics.

For psychologists that did not get their diploma in the Netherlands, it is rather difficult to get selected for the postmaster to become GZ-psycholoog. However, that does not mean it is impossible. More about the process can be found here.

Specific information for Ukrainian MHPs

How can I work as a displaced Ukrainian in the Netherlands?

If you are a Ukrainian displaced person residing in the Netherlands, you are allowed to work. You do need to get your status as ‘temporarily displaced’ recognized by the IND (the Immigration and Naturalization Service). When you do, you will receive a sticker in your passport, or the so-called O-form. If you don’t have this sticker or form, you can contact the IND to obtain it:


What is a LOGO-verklaring and when do I need one?

Since January 1, 2024, every psychologist working within a Dutch Mental Health Organization, needs a LOGO-verklaring. The declaration from the National Consultation of Mental Health Education Institutions (Landelijk Overleg Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Opleidingsintellingen – LOGO) was designed initially to determine whether a psychologist met the legal admission requirements for the Health Psychologist (GZ-psycholoog) training program. However, a recent change in the law has made LOGO-verklaring obligatory for all psychologists who need to declare their hours.

A temporary derogation authority applies for Ukrainian mental health professionals, until March 31, 2025. This means that Ukrainian basic psychologists in curative mental health care can still work and invoice their hours. This derogation authority does not apply to non-Ukrainian mental health professionals with a foreign diploma.

This prerequisite does not hold for GGZ-professionals that work within municipalities, local health authorities or GP practices.

What does ‘regiebehandelaar’ mean?

‘Regiebehandelaar’ is the psychologist who is officially responsible for the treatment of the client. This treatment can be conducted by him- or herself, or can be done by a basic psychologist. In that case, the Regiebehandelaar supervises the treatment by regular meetings with the psychologist and by seeing the client at least once a year. The Regiebehandelaar is BIG registered as either GZ-psycholoog, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist or nursing specialist.

What is the difference between ‘bruto’ and ‘netto’?

Bruto (gross) salary is best defined as the sum of salary before the deduction of tax and insurance(s). Netto (net) salary is the result of initial pay including tax and other sorts of deductions made.

What is the difference between ‘direct’ and ‘ indirect time’?

Direct time is time spent in contact with your client. This can be face to face, during a video call, on the phone or by mail. These minutes are covered by health insurance. Indirect time is the time spent on your client, but without the client being present. So your administration (files, writing letters) and meetings. Since 2022, this time is not covered by the health insurance anymore.

Learning & Development

PsyGlobal offers custom made training courses for international Mental Health Professionals to further develop their skills. As a Mental Health Professional educated in another country, this enhances your chances of finding a job in the Netherlands, and it adds value to your CV. The PsyGlobal training courses are custom made for international Mental Health Professionals and designed by experienced psychologists. We offer specific courses for methodologies that are commonly used and considered first-choice treatments according to Dutch guidelines within mental healthcare in the Netherlands. Besides various training courses, we also support you in other ways. Through webinars, articles and intervision sessions, we help you to find your way in the Dutch system. 

  • All


    Webinars (and live events)

    In 2024/2025, PsyGlobal is hosting a series of webinars and mini lectures about subjects that are interesting for international Mental Health Professionals coming to work in the Netherlands.


    Ethics and Legal Framework

    A summary of this live event can be found here.


    An introduction into Schema Therapy


    Child and Youth Mental Healthcare

    The slide deck of this webinar can be found here

    A summary of this webinar can be found here

    Training courses

    ISST-Approved Online Schema Therapy Training Program

    This comprehensive ISST-approved training is designed to equip participants with a thorough understanding of Schema Therapy, focusing on its core methods and techniques for treating personality disorders and persistent syndrome disorders. Delivered online via Zoom, the program combines interactive demonstrations, practical exercises, and engaging discussions to ensure an immersive learning experience.

    Training courses

    Schema Therapy: Guilt and Shame (Workshop)

    Guilt and shame are common experiences. However, for many clients, these emotions become barriers to expressing needs, engaging in therapy, and addressing core issues. This workshop explores these emotions through the lens of Schema Therapy, providing practical methods and techniques to support clients struggling with guilt and shame.

    Training courses

    Schema Therapy and Working with Couples (Workshop)

    Discover how Schema Therapy can be applied in couple dynamics to address deep-seated patterns and transform relationships. This workshop explores how unmet core needs and maladaptive schemas shape partner dynamics, often creating escalating mode cycles where “buttons are pushed” on both sides.

    Training courses

    Schema therapy basic level (25 hours)

    This Schema Therapy training program, offered in collaboration with Van Genderen Opleidingen BV is a practical 4-day introduction to the topic of Schema Therapy. Schema Therapy is particularly effective in treating personality disorders and persistent anxiety or depression that resists other therapies.

    Training courses

    Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders (Workshop)

    This workshop introduces Schema Therapy as a transdiagnostic treatment model, highly effective for addressing the rigid beliefs, trauma-related symptoms, and comorbidities that often complicate the treatment of eating disorders. With a foundation in evidence-based practice, Schema Therapy has shown promising results in improving clinical outcomes for complex cases of eating disorders.

    Training courses

    Cognitive behavioral therapy – the basics, part 1

    This CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) training program, offered in collaboration with CCD (Cure & Care Development), comprises the first part, the introduction, of the complete basic CBT course and covers 30 hours.

    Training courses

    Cognitive behavioral therapy – the basics part 2.

    This CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) training program, offered in collaboration with CCD (Cure & Care Development), comprises the second part, the in-depth part, of the complete basic CBT course and covers 70 hours.

    Training courses

    Schema therapy – the basics

    In collaboration with our partners we will very soon be organizing a basic course Schema Therapy.

    Training courses

    EMDR – full training, accredited by EMDR Europe Association

    EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma.

    Training courses

    Basic training cognitive behavioral therapeutic worker (CGW)

    A cognitive behavioral therapeutic worker (cgw’er) is a social worker at HBO level who performs CBT techniques.

    Для українських професіоналів


    Ця навчальна програма CBT (когнітивно-поведінкова терапія), запропонована у співпраці з CCD (Cure & Care Development), включає першу частину, вступ до повного базового курсу CBT, і охоплює 30 годин.

    Для українських професіоналів


    Ця навчальна програма CBT (когнітивно-поведінкова терапія), запропонована у співпраці з CCD (Cure & Care Development), включає другу частину, поглиблену частину, повного базового курсу CBT і охоплює 70 годин.

    Для українських професіоналів


    У співпраці з нашими партнерами ми вже зовсім скоро організуємо базовий курс Schema Therapy.

    Для українських професіоналів

    EMDR – повне навчання, акредитоване Європейською асоціацією EMDR

    EMDR (десенсибілізація та повторна обробка рухів очей) — це інтегративний психотерапевтичний підхід, який був широко досліджений і доведений як ефективний для лікування травм.

    Для українських професіоналів


    Когнітивно-поведінковий терапевт (cgw’er) — це соціальний працівник на рівні HBO, який виконує методи КПТ.

    Для українських професіоналів

    МОВНИЙ КУРС – Академічна нідерландська для неносіїв мови

    Чи хотіли б ви мати можливість висловлюватися з більшою легкістю та впевненістю усною та письмовою голландською мовою під час роботи в нідерландській психіатричній системі?

    Для українських професіоналів


    PsyGlobal організовує щомісячні консультаційні групи, спеціально розроблені для підтримки фахівців із психічного здоров’я в їхній роботі.

    Для українських професіоналів


    PsyGlobal пропонує сеанси супервізії, які проводять психологи, зареєстровані BIG, які офіційно визнані Нідерландською асоціацією поведінкової та когнітивної терапії.



    PsyGlobal organizes monthly peer consultation groups specifically designed to support Mental Health Professionals in their work.

    Для українських професіоналів


    PsyGlobal у співпраці з нашими партнерами організовує стажування в голландській організації психічного здоров’я на фіксований період.


    Diploma Validation and the Process of working through PsyGlobal

    The slide deck of this webinar can be found here


    Specifics of the Dutch Mental Health System

    The slide deck of this webinar can be found here

    Articles & Guidelines


    In addition to the guidelines, we write regular articles about topics that come in useful for you as a Mental Health Professional in the Netherlands. If there is something new, we always post on LinkedIn, but you can also check the website regularly. All articles are here.

    Articles & Guidelines


    To give you a kickstart in your career in the Netherlands, we have written an extensive guideline for you. From peculiarities about the Dutch culture to roles and responsibilities within Mental Health Care, everything can be found here.
    You can download our guidelines here



    PsyGlobal offers supervision sessions conducted by BIG-registered psychologists who are officially recognized by the Netherlands Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy.

  • Training courses

    Training courses

    ISST-Approved Online Schema Therapy Training Program

    This comprehensive ISST-approved training is designed to equip participants with a thorough understanding of Schema Therapy, focusing on its core methods and techniques for treating personality disorders and persistent syndrome disorders. Delivered online via Zoom, the program combines interactive demonstrations, practical exercises, and engaging discussions to ensure an immersive learning experience.

    Training courses

    Schema Therapy: Guilt and Shame (Workshop)

    Guilt and shame are common experiences. However, for many clients, these emotions become barriers to expressing needs, engaging in therapy, and addressing core issues. This workshop explores these emotions through the lens of Schema Therapy, providing practical methods and techniques to support clients struggling with guilt and shame.

    Training courses

    Schema Therapy and Working with Couples (Workshop)

    Discover how Schema Therapy can be applied in couple dynamics to address deep-seated patterns and transform relationships. This workshop explores how unmet core needs and maladaptive schemas shape partner dynamics, often creating escalating mode cycles where “buttons are pushed” on both sides.

    Training courses

    Schema therapy basic level (25 hours)

    This Schema Therapy training program, offered in collaboration with Van Genderen Opleidingen BV is a practical 4-day introduction to the topic of Schema Therapy. Schema Therapy is particularly effective in treating personality disorders and persistent anxiety or depression that resists other therapies.

    Training courses

    Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders (Workshop)

    This workshop introduces Schema Therapy as a transdiagnostic treatment model, highly effective for addressing the rigid beliefs, trauma-related symptoms, and comorbidities that often complicate the treatment of eating disorders. With a foundation in evidence-based practice, Schema Therapy has shown promising results in improving clinical outcomes for complex cases of eating disorders.

    Training courses

    Cognitive behavioral therapy – the basics, part 1

    This CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) training program, offered in collaboration with CCD (Cure & Care Development), comprises the first part, the introduction, of the complete basic CBT course and covers 30 hours.

    Training courses

    Cognitive behavioral therapy – the basics part 2.

    This CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) training program, offered in collaboration with CCD (Cure & Care Development), comprises the second part, the in-depth part, of the complete basic CBT course and covers 70 hours.

    Training courses

    Schema therapy – the basics

    In collaboration with our partners we will very soon be organizing a basic course Schema Therapy.

    Training courses

    EMDR – full training, accredited by EMDR Europe Association

    EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma.

    Training courses

    Basic training cognitive behavioral therapeutic worker (CGW)

    A cognitive behavioral therapeutic worker (cgw’er) is a social worker at HBO level who performs CBT techniques.

  • Для українських професіоналів

    Для українських професіоналів


    Ця навчальна програма CBT (когнітивно-поведінкова терапія), запропонована у співпраці з CCD (Cure & Care Development), включає першу частину, вступ до повного базового курсу CBT, і охоплює 30 годин.

    Для українських професіоналів


    Ця навчальна програма CBT (когнітивно-поведінкова терапія), запропонована у співпраці з CCD (Cure & Care Development), включає другу частину, поглиблену частину, повного базового курсу CBT і охоплює 70 годин.

    Для українських професіоналів


    У співпраці з нашими партнерами ми вже зовсім скоро організуємо базовий курс Schema Therapy.

    Для українських професіоналів

    EMDR – повне навчання, акредитоване Європейською асоціацією EMDR

    EMDR (десенсибілізація та повторна обробка рухів очей) — це інтегративний психотерапевтичний підхід, який був широко досліджений і доведений як ефективний для лікування травм.

    Для українських професіоналів


    Когнітивно-поведінковий терапевт (cgw’er) — це соціальний працівник на рівні HBO, який виконує методи КПТ.

    Для українських професіоналів

    МОВНИЙ КУРС – Академічна нідерландська для неносіїв мови

    Чи хотіли б ви мати можливість висловлюватися з більшою легкістю та впевненістю усною та письмовою голландською мовою під час роботи в нідерландській психіатричній системі?

    Для українських професіоналів


    PsyGlobal організовує щомісячні консультаційні групи, спеціально розроблені для підтримки фахівців із психічного здоров’я в їхній роботі.

    Для українських професіоналів


    PsyGlobal пропонує сеанси супервізії, які проводять психологи, зареєстровані BIG, які офіційно визнані Нідерландською асоціацією поведінкової та когнітивної терапії.

    Для українських професіоналів


    PsyGlobal у співпраці з нашими партнерами організовує стажування в голландській організації психічного здоров’я на фіксований період.

  • Intervision



    PsyGlobal organizes monthly peer consultation groups specifically designed to support Mental Health Professionals in their work.



    PsyGlobal offers supervision sessions conducted by BIG-registered psychologists who are officially recognized by the Netherlands Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy.

  • Webinars


    Webinars (and live events)

    In 2024/2025, PsyGlobal is hosting a series of webinars and mini lectures about subjects that are interesting for international Mental Health Professionals coming to work in the Netherlands.


    Ethics and Legal Framework

    A summary of this live event can be found here.


    An introduction into Schema Therapy


    Child and Youth Mental Healthcare

    The slide deck of this webinar can be found here

    A summary of this webinar can be found here


    Diploma Validation and the Process of working through PsyGlobal

    The slide deck of this webinar can be found here


    Specifics of the Dutch Mental Health System

    The slide deck of this webinar can be found here

  • Articles & Guidelines

    Articles & Guidelines


    In addition to the guidelines, we write regular articles about topics that come in useful for you as a Mental Health Professional in the Netherlands. If there is something new, we always post on LinkedIn, but you can also check the website regularly. All articles are here.

    Articles & Guidelines


    To give you a kickstart in your career in the Netherlands, we have written an extensive guideline for you. From peculiarities about the Dutch culture to roles and responsibilities within Mental Health Care, everything can be found here.
    You can download our guidelines here


Keep me updated about

Articles & media

Recent articles

09 January 2025
Finding your way in the Dutch Mental Health System
26 November 2024
Navigating Ethics and Legal Frameworks in Dutch Healthcare
20 November 2024
Navigating Child and Youth psychology in the Netherlands

Team & partners

Esther Haaijema


I am a psychotherapist and I have been providing treatment to clients for over a decade, mainly focusing on clients with personality disorders. I love working directly with clients but also found that change is needed to prevent that too many people will have to wait unnecessarily long for mental help. Therefor, I founded PsyGlobal, which connects my background in humanitarian aid (NOHA) with my professional career as a psychotherapist. My main focus with PsyGlobal is to make sure our services are of high standard quality. I do this by taking into consideration peoples’ needs and combining this with empirical findings and research about mental health care.

Esther Haaijema

Baer Jonkers

Founder & Project Lead

With a background in clinical psychology and financial and project management in the mental health care industry for over a decade, I was very happy to meet Esther at the right moment in time. The last 5 years I have been putting all my efforts in optimizing mental healthcare for refugees living in The Netherlands. I truly believe that being active, feeling respected and having purpose and prospect to a better future adds a lot to your mental health. PsyGlobal offers this to so many professional people who currently live in a different country than their home country. By offering them a job and helping others that are in need: in their own language, taking into account the cultural differences that are so important in mental health and understanding each other.
Baer Jonkers

Ursula de Korte

Learning & Development Manager

I am proud to join the PsyGlobal team, to work together with such an enthusiastic group of professionals and to be part of this great initiative. As a GZ-psychologist, I have extensive experience in providing psychological treatment and in particular multidisciplinary counseling to people who get stuck in work and life due to mental and physical symptoms. This with the aim of recovery and increasing strength to return to work in balance with renewed perspective. In developing these trainings, I have experienced that perspective and participation in society through work is extremely important for many people. It gives me great satisfaction to create this in a team. As Learning and Development Manager, I focus on the development of training and education for foreign-speaking Mental Health Professionals who work through PsyGlobal and want to develop both personally and professionally.
Myra Haakman - psychological lead

Lars van den Brandhof

Account Manager

I am a passionate healthcare advisor. Through BMC I was given the great opportunity to work as an interim accountmanager for Psyglobal. I am very results-oriented because I often have a clear goal in mind. I then try to achieve this goal with great enthusiasm. I find contact and connection with people very important and I like to help others move forward. In this way I hope to be of value to every client that needs help. The (mental health) care landscape is becoming increasingly complex and the pressure is increasing from all angles. I am therefore very motivated to work with Psyglobal to find a suitable solution for mental health care organisations, in order to help people who need help. Furthermore, I am always in for a cup of coffee so don’t hesitate to contact me!
Lars van den Brandhof - Accountmanager

Ruben Arnold

Account Manager

I am always building new relationships. This is the first time that I work in (mental) health care and I am loving it. Especially since we are really doing the right thing, here at PsyGlobal. Many municipalities and mental health organisations are struggling to help clients that do not speak Dutch or English. For me, it does not feel like work to help them with this struggle, while we are helping refugees with their struggles at the same time.

Health care is very culturally sensitive. A psychologist or mental health professional from the same culture as the client will achieve better results then Dutch professionals. Let’s get together and help more people.

Lars van den Brandhof - Accountmanager

Rosemarie Lambers

Recruitment Lead

Having worked in different companies and environments brought me the ability to adapt to all kinds of people, challenges, stakeholders and company cultures. As an interim recruiter and consultant, I worked in a variety of organizations (healthcare, childcare, professional services). In this assignment with Psyglobal all my professional experiences comes together; creating meaningful touchpoints together with the recruitment team and contributing to a professional workplace were we select mental health professionals to contribute to Dutch (healthcare) organizations. I had the amazing opportunity to live in Belgium for seven years with my family. This has opened up my mindset and got me out of my comfort zone. Professionally, I always aim for a pragmatic approach and a pleasant team spirit.

Lars van den Brandhof - Accountmanager

Kateryna Kovalenko

Recruiter – Ukrainian nationalities

I am thrilled to be working at PsyGlobal as a Project Coordinator/Recruiter for Ukrainian Mental Health Professionals. I love turning ideas into organized and structured actions. I’m not just a task manager, but a problem solver and effective communicator who anticipates challenges and finds appropriate solutions. As a proud Ukrainian, I am delighted to be able to work towards enhancing the mental health of my compatriots in the Netherlands. My personal motivation and choice of professional development path are deeply rooted in my passion for psychology. I am thrilled to be part of a great and friendly team and to use my knowledge and experience in project and recruitment management to achieve our common goals. I’m passionate about making a meaningful impact in my profession!
Kateryna Kovalova - Project Coordinator

Seray Soyman

Recruiter – Other Nationalities

As a mental healthcare professional with a background in psychology and sexology, I take pride in being part of the motivated team of experts at PsyGlobal, where I serve as the Recruiter for non-Ukrainian Mental Health Professionals. As a psychologist, I utilise interventions that are evidence-based including cognitive behavioural therapy and sex and relationship therapy. I work with individuals who speak English and Turkish and tailor their treatment according to their specific needs and goals. Apart from my practice, I have spent the last five years as a Trainer / Facilitator, organising training programmes that cover a range of mental and sexual health topics. My goal at PsyGlobal is to ensure that mental healthcare professionals worldwide have access to sustainable jobs that align with their education and experience while contributing to reducing waiting lists for treatment in the Netherlands.
Seray Soyman - National Liaison Turkey (Türkiye)

Ksusha Skrypkar

Project Assistant

I joined PsyGlobal as Project Assistant. Many years of experience in promoting various businesses on social networks has given me a strong basis for understanding how to build lovemark brands. For me, branding and marketing are tools for building relationships between companies and audiences. I believe that you can only become a strong brand if you have strong meanings and values and if you are able to appreciate and build relationships with the audience and customers. I am infinitely grateful to the circumstances that I can be part of a PsyGlobal company that has these two fundamental foundations: great meanings and great values!

Anna Korenromp - Communication specialist

Myra Haakman

Psychological Lead

After my studies I had the privilege of conducting training sessions on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Mozambique and Kenya. It was during these experiences that my love for cross-cultural collaboration and cultural sensitivity started. My dedication deepened when I encountered the challenges faced by non-native clients seeking mental health care in the Netherlands. In 2019 I co-founded the foundation Wereldpsychologists. We have the goal to provide psychosocial support to refugees in crisis situations. I’m very happy to be now part of the team of Psyglobal as the psychological lead and to connect not only Dutch professionals to clients but also professionals with the same demographic background to non-native clients. This way I can contribute to improving the access of culturally sensitive mental health care in the Netherlands and across the globe.
Myra Haakman - psychological lead

Anna Korenromp

Communication Specialist

In my work as communication specialist, I am always looking to make maximum impact; putting my experience and creativity into action in projects that do good for the planet and its people. PsyGlobal is a great example of a project that ‘does good’ and I am super excited to be part of this great initiative. My goal is to get as much Mental Health Organisations, municipalities, local health authorities and GP practices as possible to open their doors for our great Ukrainian and other non-Dutch psychologists and their potential clients. I am looking forward to reaching this goal through a sharp communication strategy, both online and offline. You will be seeing a lot of PsyGlobal in the near future, stay tuned!
Anna Korenromp - Communication specialist


Contact us

Please read this carefully before filling out our contact form: 

Are you a Mental Health Professional and do you want to join PsyGlobal to find a job in the Netherlands? Please fill out our registration form. Please do not fill out this contact form, as it might get lost in the many messages we receive daily. 

Are you looking for an internship? We do not have any internships available at the moment. Please follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated and do not fill out this contact form. 
