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Over PsyGlobal

Wie wij zijn

Connecting without borders

PsyGlobal zet zich in om anderstalige (vaak ontheemde) GGZ-professionals te koppelen aan Nederlandse GGZ-instellingen, huisartsenpraktijken, GGD’s en gemeenten. Op die manier krijgen buitenlandse professionals een betaalde baan die past bij hun opleiding en achtergrond. Dit helpt niet alleen bij de integratie in het nieuwe thuisland, het geeft de psychologen en therapeuten ook zingeving en eigenwaarde. Tegelijkertijd zorgt PsyGlobal er op deze manier voor dat cliënten met psychische klachten, die niet de Nederlandse taal machtig zijn, toegang hebben tot cultuursensitieve preventieve of curatieve geestelijke gezondheidszorg, in hun moedertaal.

PsyGlobal werkt als tussenpersoon: Enerzijds ondersteunen wij organisaties bij de werving en selectie van professionals. Anderzijds ondersteunen we de professionals in het sollicitatieproces en bieden we hen na plaatsing vakinhoudelijke trainingen en intervisie aan.

Wat we bereiken

  • We zorgen dat mensen met psychische problemen ook buiten hun thuisland behandeld worden door professionals die dezelfde taal spreken en dezelfde culturele achtergrond hebben
  • We zorgen dat GGZ professionals ook buiten hun thuisland kunnen werken in een betaalde baan die past bij hun achtergrond en ervaring
  • We zorgen dat wachtlijsten worden verkort, huidig personeel wordt ontlast, kosten dalen en behandelingen efficiënter en effectiever worden.

Hoe we dit doen

  • We werven en selecteren anderstalige GGZ professionals die op dit moment niet werkzaam zijn in hun vakgebied
  • We bieden up-to-date informatie die GGZ professionals helpt in het proces van vertalen en valideren van diploma’s en referenties
  • We matchen professionals met organisaties waar zij ingezet kunnen worden in een betaalde baan
  • We informeren anderstalige cliënten met psychische klachten over het proces voor het verkrijgen van psychische hulp in Nederland en de mogelijkheid om deze hulp te krijgen van een GGZ professional met dezelfde moedertaal en culturele achtergrond
  • We informeren huisartsen, gemeenten en gastgezinnen over locaties waar onze GGZ professionals werkzaam zijn

Ons team

Esther Haaijema


I am a psychotherapist and I have been providing treatment to clients for over a decade, mainly focusing on clients with personality disorders. I love working directly with clients but also found that change is needed to prevent that too many people will have to wait unnecessarily long for mental help. Therefor, I founded PsyGlobal, which connects my background in humanitarian aid (NOHA) with my professional career as a psychotherapist. My main focus with PsyGlobal is to make sure our services are of high standard quality. I do this by taking into consideration peoples’ needs and combining this with empirical findings and research about mental health care.
Esther Haaijema

Baer Jonkers

Founder & Project Lead

With a background in clinical psychology and financial and project management in the mental health care industry for over a decade, I was very happy to meet Esther at the right moment in time. The last 5 years I have been putting all my efforts in optimizing mental healthcare for refugees living in The Netherlands. I truly believe that being active, feeling respected and having purpose and prospect to a better future adds a lot to your mental health. PsyGlobal offers this to so many professional people who currently live in a different country than their home country. By offering them a job and helping others that are in need: in their own language, taking into account the cultural differences that are so important in mental health and understanding each other.
Baer Jonkers

Lars van den Brandhof


I am a passionate healthcare advisor. Through BMC I was given the great opportunity to work as an interim accountmanager for Psyglobal. I am very results-oriented because I often have a clear goal in mind. I then try to achieve this goal with great enthusiasm. I find contact and connection with people very important and I like to help others move forward. In this way I hope to be of value to every client that needs help. The (mental health) care landscape is becoming increasingly complex and the pressure is increasing from all angles. I am therefore very motivated to work with Psyglobal to find a suitable solution for mental health care organisations, in order to help people who need help. Furthermore, I am always in for a cup of coffee so don’t hesitate to contact me!
Lars van den Brandhof - Accountmanager

Kateryna Kovalenko

Recruiter – Ukrainian nationalities

I joined the PsyGlobal team as the Recruiter for Ukrainian Mental Health Professionals. I have a knack for turning ideas into organized and structured actions. I’m not just a task manager but a problem solver and effective communicator who anticipates challenges and finds appropriate solutions. As a proud Ukrainian, I am thrilled to be able to work towards enhancing the mental health of my compatriots in the Netherlands. My personal motivation and choice of professional development path are deeply rooted in my passion for psychology. I am happy to be part of a great and friendly team and to use my knowledge and experience in project and process management to achieve our common goals. As a Recruiter at PsyGlobal, I’m not just passionate about delivering projects on time and within the budget, but I’m passionate about making a meaningful impact!

Kateryna Kovalova - Project Coordinator

Seray Soyman

Recruiter – Other Nationalities

As a mental healthcare professional with a background in psychology and sexology, I take pride in being part of the motivated team of experts at PsyGlobal, where I serve as the Recruiter for non-Ukrainian Mental Health Professionals. As a psychologist, I utilise interventions that are evidence-based including cognitive behavioural therapy and sex and relationship therapy. I work with individuals who speak English and Turkish and tailor their treatment according to their specific needs and goals. Apart from my practice, I have spent the last five years as a Trainer / Facilitator, organising training programmes that cover a range of mental and sexual health topics. My goal at PsyGlobal is to ensure that mental healthcare professionals worldwide have access to sustainable jobs that align with their education and experience while contributing to reducing waiting lists for treatment in the Netherlands.

Seray Soyman - National Liaison Turkey (Türkiye)

Myra Haakman

Psychological Lead

After my studies I had the privilege of conducting training sessions on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Mozambique and Kenya. It was during these experiences that my love for cross-cultural collaboration and cultural sensitivity started. My dedication deepened when I encountered the challenges faced by non-native clients seeking mental health care in the Netherlands. In 2019 I co-founded the foundation Wereldpsychologists. We have the goal to provide psychosocial support to refugees in crisis situations. I’m very happy to be now part of the team of Psyglobal as the psychological lead and to connect not only Dutch professionals to clients but also professionals with the same demographic background to non-native clients. This way I can contribute to improving the access of culturally sensitive mental health care in the Netherlands and across the globe.
Myra Haakman - psychological lead

Anna Korenromp

Communication Specialist

In my work as communication specialist, I am always looking to make maximum impact; putting my experience and creativity into action in projects that do good for the planet and its people. PsyGlobal is a great example of a project that ‘does good’ and I am super excited to be part of this great initiative. My goal is to get as much Mental Health Organisations, municipalities, local health authorities and GP practices as possible to open their doors for our great Ukrainian and other non-Dutch psychologists and their potential clients. I am looking forward to reaching this goal through a sharp communication strategy, both online and offline. You will be seeing a lot of PsyGlobal in the near future, stay tuned!
Anna Korenromp - Communication specialist
